SRECs are created quarterly based on meter readings reported to the MassCEC Production Tracking System (PTS).  Production MUST be reported into in order to mint SRECs.  PTS is open to report production for 10 days each month–the last 5 days of the month through the first 5 days of the new month.  If you do not know your PTS login, go to then click “Never received your user name or password? Forgot your username or password?” Leave the username blank and enter your email address. The username and password will be emailed to you.

Reporting by Owner – Enter the lifetime production from the Solar/Revenue Grade meter.  It is best to report monthly, but if you miss one month report the lifetime production the next month.  If production is not reported, no SRECs will be minted.

Automatic Reporting – If you have an automatic reporting company, we recommend that you check your PTS account at least quarterly.  It is your responsibility to confirm that it is being reported by checking ‘View Production Data’ in PTS.  Most automatic reporting companies were set up to report for 5 years.  If you find production is no longer being reported, contact your installer immediately to get a new contract. or to get assistance in determining the reason for it not reporting.  If production is not reported, no SRECs will be minted.